DaiSifu Mark Tietz
DaiSifu Mark Tietz
7th Master degree
Master of Sport Pedagogy (University of Plovdiv/BG)
School(s) in: Frankfurt, Bad Homburg, Bad Schwalbach
That says it all:
Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless. Like water.
You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle.
You put in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash.
Be water, my friend!
Bruce Lee
Why did you start with WingTsun?
Somehow it started even before I was born. The martial arts career began in my mother’s belly … She told me that I already punched and kicked hard there. Looking for the right martial art for me, I finally found WingTsun after a long detour and a lot of experience in Kendo, Judo, Kickboxing, HungGar- and ChoyLeeFut-KungFu. This was the beginning of my passion for this unique system, which stood out from all other martial arts experiences I had gathered up to that point due to its efficiency and richness of facets.
Why are you still doing WingTsun?
Because it’s not just my hobby, it’s become my profession – who doesn’t dream of turning their hobby into their profession?
But beyond that, I still enjoy the development, something new, experimental, linking and of course the challenge of passing on the
concept and originality to our students and – not to forget – to our kids! Here, more than ever, I see the importance of self-assertion and character training.
I really enjoy the collaboration, partnership and training with my School Owners and instructors. They all make an important contribution in the academies.
In addition, I have developed a successful modular teaching concept with Sifu Lutz Trabert, where the students can read their training success online, among other things.
I can also live out my self-development – I now also offer individual concepts in cooperation with personal coaches.
What was your standout WT experience?
The first contact with Grandmaster Kernspecht! And our performances at the Budo-Gala in the Dortmund Westfalen-Halle and at the 40th anniversary of the EWTO.
What changed for you when you received the 1st HG or 5th MG?
I am not a “title hunter”, but the experience, the further development and the meanwhile further level of knowledge are a good feeling. A highlight is always to experience intensive and personally important training sessions with Sifu Kernspecht. Well, … learning never stops, no matter what degree man / woman has reached – so you always stay on the ground …
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