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Master Sifu Thorsten Elge

Sifu Thorsten Elge

5th Master degree

School(s) in: Hennigsdorf, Oranienburg, Falkensee

School Owner since: 1999



WingTsun for me is the development/improvement of one’s own personality.

Why did you start with WingTsun?

When I was still in elementary school, there was the TV series “Kung Fu” and later, in 1975, the comic series “Kung Fu” came out. These aroused a strong interest in me to learn Kung Fu. In the comics, there were also reports about Bruce Lee in the middle section. So I learned that Bruce Lee had learned WingTsun. At some point, there were reports about the current Grandmaster Keith R. Kernspecht, who taught WingTsun in Germany.
 However, my father initially (1976) allowed me and my brother “only” to become members of a Judo club. So I bought and borrowed books about self-defense, martial arts and combat sports. I also had the “Wing Tsun Kuen”, whose German edition was still sold in two paperback volumes at that time, sent to me.
 In all martial arts schools or martial arts clubs that seemed interesting to me, I completed a trial training or visited them and talked to the teachers.
I was also impressed by the Thai master Sunthus Supasturpong. What he did was really spectacular – very acrobatic. But after a WingTsun introduction event at the end of 1981 in Berlin, I knew that WingTsun would be more suitable for me. Even then I thought that WingTsun was the most effective martial arts system for self-defense.

Why are you still doing WingTsun?

WingTsun is a lot of fun and enriches my life.
 The other day, a student asked me if there were also days when I would like to stop or don’t feel like it. This made me realize once again how privileged I am to be a WingTsun teacher; because it allows me to spend a lot of time doing what I love to do, with people I love to be with. Therefore, I can’t imagine that I will stop doing it in this life.

What was your standout WT experience?

I have great WingTsun experiences all the time, both teaching and learning. With these numerous highlights, it is really hard to name just one as outstanding.
A big highlight this year was definitely the appointment of DaiSifu Thomas Schrön as Grandmaster at the 40th anniversary celebration of the EWTO in Hockenheim and the subsequent WingTsun course in Hennigsdorf with GM Oliver König and GM Thomas Schrön.

What changed for you when you received the 1st HG or 5th MG?

Both graduations were milestones in my life. The step from student to first teacher degree (1st HG) was at that time at least as important as the one in 2012 as a full professional to receive the appointment as master.

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