Sifu Carlo Porfido
Sifu Carlo Porfido
5th Master degree
School(s) in: Thun (CH)
School Owner since: 1997
Martial arts as a way of life and training.
Why did you start with WingTsun?
I was looking for an effective and ingenious self-defense and found it at that time in Bern with Sihing Urs von Känel.
Why are you still doing WingTsun?
Why should I do something else that is less fun or not as effective.
With GM G. Schembri I have a teacher who is not only technically on a very, very high level, but also a role model as a person.
What was your standout WT experience?
For me, there are many experiences that I would not want to miss. Be it my first day at school in Bern with my then teacher Urs, the first contact with GM G. Schembri, who took my first exam at that time, be it the countless meetings with GM Kernspecht or all the higher degrees and masters I was allowed to get to know during my 23 years with the EWTO. The
most outstanding experience for me, however, was the appointment as Sifu. This is the most beautiful and probably the most important experience for me.
Programs can be practiced and you can do them or less, the Sifu title has to be earned. GM G. Schembri felt that I deserved it and I was and am very proud of it.
What changed for you when you received the 1st HG or 5th MG?
As 1st HG I had the feeling that the world now belonged to me, I knew everything and nobody could stop me. As a master came the realization that I had no idea then and I have to work even harder now than before. Being a master is much more difficult. Everybody has the feeling that one is enlightened or at least almost … Unfortunately it is not so, it would be nice. To see and implement all these connections, years will pass and many lessons with GM Kernspecht and GM Schembri will be necessary.
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