Sifu Frank Rieker
Sifu Frank Rieker
5th Master degree
School(s) in: Bisingen
School Owner since: 1994
The best gift you can give someone is your time, your attention and your love. The outside attracts attention, but true fascination comes from looking inside a person; because the appearance is often a ticket, but the character decides whether it becomes a season ticket …
Why did you start with WingTsun?
Even as a child, I really wanted to take up karate or judo. But my parents were not financially allowed to fulfill this wish. However, the desire for it always remained in me. When I started my apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer, we apprentices came to the subject of martial arts and self-defense. One of the older apprentices reported about a big fight on the weekend and that there was a colleague in the company who taught WingTsun. He would soon have a trial training there in his school to practice self-defense. In another conversation, I found out from my colleague what WingTsun was. He asked me if I would like to come to the trial training together with him. So I completed the first trial training in WingTsun together with him. After that it was clear to me that it was exactly what I had imagined all these years and so I became a member of the EWTO in 1991.
Why are you still doing WingTsun?
WingTsun keeps me healthy. The mental and physical health became more and more important for me in all the past years. I still enjoy teaching very much from the beginning. Teaching with students between 5 and 60 years enriches my life constantly. My teachers understood how to keep the fascination of martial arts alive for me all these years. Boredom often leads to failure in what you do. In the EWTO there is no boredom. If you see how the programs of the EWTO over all the years adapted to the ever changing life situations, I would like to thank here my SiFu GM Kernspecht and the entire EWTO for this.
What was your standout WT experience?
There are definitely three of them:
First, there is my appointment as Sifu of WingTsun in 2003 in Stuttgart. It was a big step in the right direction for me.
The second outstanding experience for me was the International Course of the EWTO in Hockenheim 2014 with my appointment as Master in WingTsun by my SiFu GM Kernspecht in front of about 500 spectators on Saturday evening at the evening event in the large hall of the Stadthalle. The adrenaline and the joy about it lasted for months, which still brings a smile to my face.
The third equally great WT experience was the groundbreaking and completion of my own WingTsun Academy. Construction began in late summer 2015 and has been completed since July 2016. The first training in his own four walls has something! With this I set the right course for me in WingTsun as a teacher.
What changed for you when you received the 1st HG or 5th MG?
The color of the T-shirt to wear …!
The 1st HG was a wonderful experience for me, which I was able to experience on 1995 in Livorno, Tuscany. At that time I was at the beginning of the higher programs and my joy about what I was allowed to learn in the next years was huge.
My appointment as master in WingTsun will remain unforgettable for me, as well as the subsequent master celebration with my students. And again I am at the beginning of the higher master programs and the joy about what I may learn in the next years is huge.
Conclusion: One remains a student in WingTsun all
his life.
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