GM Thomas Schrön
GM Thomas Schrön
9th Grandmaster degree
Bachelor in Martial Arts
National Instructor Sweden
Head trainer of the Trainer Academy Heidelberg
School(s) in: Aschaffenburg
School Owner since: 1984
Live your dream!
Why did you start with WingTsun?
I was in boxing before. But I was attracted to doing an Asian martial art. Like KungFu, for example. There was something mysterious about it. I wanted to do what Bruce Lee did.
Why are you still doing WingTsun?
… because it fascinates me to this day. I can always learn something more. My big role model is SiFu Kernspecht, who is constantly learning more. Besides, you meet a lot of nice people and with some of them you form a real friendship over the years. Not to forget that I was able to turn my hobby into my profession.
What was your standout WT experience?
That is not an easy question. There are many great experiences that you remember. One was when Sifu taught me the eighth set of the double knife form with ballpoint pens at the airport in Frankfurt.
Or when Sifu asked me in 2000 if I wanted to work as a trainer at the Trainer Academy, at that time still at Langenzell Castle.
What I also like to think back to is the course with Prof. Chu who taught ChiGong.
What changed for you when you received the 1st HG or 5th MG? And how was it when you were appointed Grandmaster?
For the 1st technician degree, we had to go through a multi-part examination at Langenzell Castle. At that time, I was just under 20 years old, a young man who always “put my back into it” and wanted to prove that, despite my age, I deserved to become one of the first technicians. When SiFu presented me with the certificate for the 1st TG, I was relieved on the one hand and of course very proud to have achieved this goal.
At the 5th MG I had been frustrated before. All the others had flown with me to Hong Kong in 1997 and had received their 5th master degree at the ceremony there. I received it only later at Langenzell
The appointment as Grandmaster during the big jubilee course was a very emotional moment. I achieved a very big goal with it. Although I do not consider myself a Grandmaster yet. The 9th degree is only the entry level for me. The new phase begins now.
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